Meet Danielle

Why hello friend!

Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to get to know me. My name is Danielle and I am the girl behind the blog, Perlucio Emporium!

Im brazillian and have lived in MA for about 12 years now, im a married psychologist I have two kids and im super keen to fitness.

My mother worked with decoration and I “unconsciously” started working similarly to her. This page is being made with lots of love and care where I can put my emotions and Ideas inspirations I have in my life.

My intensions and ideas are to inspire you with all of my posts so that you can find what you want faster and better.

My family

When im not working, I try to spend all my time with them.

If you cant find me at home working you could find me either at the local gym, making meal preps, or spending time with my kids and husband!

Training for almost more than 20 years, started to compete and do bikini fitness around 5 years ago. My greatest pride has been that my son has entered the gym a year ago, and he changed his diet and goals to fit into the fitness world which I will be discusing on this blog.

Competed three times in my life, I used all of my knowledge of fitness and diets and was able to use that knowledge to bring home 3 trophies.

My biggest inspiration,

She inspired me in my education and my life. I miss you mom, may you rest well.

